Human Intelligence: aka Informants

Sponsored by the NM Office of the Superintendent of Insurance and RRPD

Informants are an invaluable asset in the acquisition of information and intelligence. Informants can provide real-time intelligence on any criminal activity. However, informants can present challenges to even the most skilled controlling officer. This course will teach some of the skills needed to identify and manage informants. Additionally, how to mitigate risk in the planning of enforcement operations when using undercovers and setting up street enforcement operations.

If you work in any law enforcement role such as fraud, homicide, drugs, gangs, gun crimes, sex crimes, human trafficking, property crimes, street crimes units, auto-theft or any place where you might use an Informant, this class is for you!

To register and for more information please Click Here!


Feb 12 2025


8:00 am - 5:00 pm




Rio Rancho Police Department
500 Quantum Road, Rio Rancho, NM 87124


Selby Smith

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