Basic Police Officer Training (BPOT)
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- Central New Mexico (CNM) Law Enforcement Academy
- Dona Ana County Sherriff's Office (DASO) Training Academy
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- Community Oriented Policing Services Anti-Methamphetamine Program
- DNA Capacity Enhancement For Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program
- Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program
- High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program
- Law Enforcement Mental Health and Wellness Act Program
- Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)
- NM Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Program
- Paul Coverdell Science Improvement Program
- Post-Conviction Testing of DNA Evidence to Exonerate the Innocent Program
- Prison Rape Elimination Act Program
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- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program
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Vision Statement
Basic Training is the mechanism through which those entering the law enforcement profession are trained and prepared to serve the citizens of the State of New Mexico and safeguard the stability of our society.
To this end, we look to the future, embracing new technologies, seeking best practices within the global law enforcement training community, and developing state of the art training in both content and methods of delivery. We set the bar high and expect those we are entrusted to train to strive to meet or exceed our high standards. We also set those standards for ourselves and expect no less of ourselves as we lead by example.
Read more about our goals and objectives here
Who We Are: Training Staff Directory
Lily Romero | Instructional Coordinator | |
Janole Marchant | Training & Development Specialist | 505-827-9276 |
Robert Girmendonk | Instructor | 505-827-9252 |
Kelly Hampton | Instructor | 505-827-9252 |
Cassandra Reed | Deputy Director – Training | 505-827-9252 |
Ronaldo Ulibarri | Lead Instructor | 505-827-9252 |
Barbara Schalkofski | Instructor | 505-690-0073 |
Elliott Guttman | Legal Instructor | 505-827-9206 |
Application Process
Completed applications must be received 14 business days prior to the advertised start date of a given class. (Incl. BPOT, PST, CBW)
An initial application for admission/certification and all necessary supporting documentation must be submitted to the NMLEA no later than 30 days after an applicant’s initial hire date. ( (B)(1) NMAC).
- Each Basic Police Officer Training (BPOT) Academy class size is limited to 60 students.
- Application packets will be processed on a first come, first-served basis. Applicants will be placed on the eligible to attend list based upon the date a complete application packet is received. Applications must be received for consideration to attend.
- All application packets must be completed, received, and approved before participation in the assessment. Only the first 60 participants with completed packets and meet the physical fitness assessment standards will be accepted.
The following documents must be submitted for enrollment in the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy’s Basic Police Officer Training Program, New Mexico Satellite Academy Program, and Certification by Waiver of Previous Training Program. Incomplete applications will be returned.
Basic Police Officer Training Application Packet
Basic Academy Accreditation Worksheet
NMLEA 677 Hour Basic Police Training Curriculum Goals and Objectives
Basic Police Officer Training Academy Equipment List
Training Requirements
There have been changes in the required equipment list. The new BPOT Equipment List includes black, not gray, gym attire and 2” white lettering is required on gym T-shirts and sweatshirts.
The agency head or designee will certify that the named Cadet has completed a recognized First Aid course and an Adult, child, and infant CPR course within the preceding 12 months of the scheduled start date of the academy class. The training must be given by a trainer certified* to teach CPR and first aid. This certification must be received by the Academy as part of their application for admission and certification, at minimum, two weeks prior to the scheduled class start date.
Entrance Requirements
* Schedules were current at the starting date of each BPOT class, however adjustments are made on an ongoing basis. Once a BPOT class graduates a final schedule is published reflecting all interim changes.
**BPOT Academy applicants not meeting the fitness entry standard two weeks prior to attending will not be allowed to attend that BPOT Academy and will be moved to the application process for the next BPOT class. Please refer to the BPOT Entrance Fitness Requirements for the entry standards. These standards were adopted by the NMLEA Board on September 3, 2014 and supersede previous standards for academies which have not conducted mandatory assessments or begun classes prior to September 3, 2014.
Class Size
Each Basic Police Officer Training (BPOT) Academy Class size is limited to 60 students.
Application Process
The Basic Training Bureau will process applications on a first come first served basis. The applications will be placed on the eligible-to-attend list based upon the date a complete application is received. Applications received that are not complete will be returned and will not be considered for eligibility until submitted as a complete package. An application package will not be considered complete until all forms are correctly completed, and all required supporting documents are submitted.
Excess Applicants
If the Bureau receives more than 60 complete application packages, the excess applicants will be placed on an eligible-to-attend waiting list, again based upon the date of receipt of a complete application. Staff will review faxed or e-mailed copies but must be in receipt of original and/or notarized copies to consider an application package to be complete.
Mandatory Assessment
All applicants must attend the mandatory assessment for the BPOT Academy class which they have applied. No applicant will be allowed to assess without a complete physical (LEA-3) including the signed clearance from a licensed physician.
Applicants who do not pass the mandatory assessment may reapply for the next available BPOT Academy class.
Applicants with complete application packages who pass the mandatory assessment will be accepted into the BPOT Academy class.
Failed Assessment
Should any of first 60 applicants with complete applications fail the mandatory assessment, they will be dropped from the class and may apply for the next academy class. Academy staff will then fill any vacancies from the eligible-to-attend waiting list with the first available applicant who submitted a complete application package and passed the mandatory assessment.
Incomplete Applications
Incomplete applications will be returned to the agency and may cause a delay in enrolling students in the training programs.
Complete Application Due Date
A COMPLETE application package MUST have been received by and reviewed by the Basic Training Bureau by 8:00 a.m. on the day before the mandatory assessment. Applicants WILL NOT be allowed to assess if an application has not been received by Bureau staff, reviewed, and determined to be COMPLETE by the deadline. Applicants with incomplete application packages will be scheduled for the next available Basic Police Officer Training (BPOT) Academy class.
Remedial Training Schedule
Remedial Training
The Basic Police Officer Training (BPOT) Bureau schedules remedial training on an as-needed basis. The student in need of remedial training will be scheduled and notified of said training with the cost of the training being billed to the student’s agency. Occasionally, remedial training is scheduled during the student’s scheduled academy training if staff, facilities, and time are available. If this approach is used, it could result in student and staff overtime.