Supervision and Preparedness Leadership Workshop
Are all members of your organization in supervisory roles acting with consistent leadership standards? The focus of this two-day workshop is to define the roles and responsibilities of leadership in the 911 industry by building on the basics and fundamentals of being a supervisor in today’s communication centers. By helping ensure that all supervisors in your organization are leading with the same goals in mind, this workshop will help your staff develop the best practices and industry standards that can
move your center forward in a positive way.
Is every member of your staff prepared to be put into a supervisory role in your organization? There are many examples of junior staff being thrown into leadership and supervisory roles without any training or direction, typically due to a variety of staffing issues related to the “always-open” nature of
the job. With this in mind, this workshop is geared towards both members in activating supervisory roles as well as employees that could be in that position in an “out-of-grade” capacity. The employees in supervisory roles are often the face of your organization, and this workshop will put emphasis on everyday leadership skills that are equally as important as the more indirect knowledge base of theories of how to lead effectively. This specific class was built to move leadership in a new direction, with a basis of honesty and clarity.